Friday, August 27, 2010

The Basketball Series: Part 3: We talkin' about PRACTICE

This is the 3rd and final installment of The Basketball Series.  

For thse who are unfamiliar, no my grammar is not that bad the title eludes to a rant that NBA star (or I guess former now he doesn't seem to be doing too much these days) Allen Iverson went on a rant about practice...

Well this is not a rant by any means just a simple explanation of what has been going on in the practice realm of my new world (those looking for another hilarious story may exit now...I use the bathroom before every practice)

The one thing I have been looking forward to since I got here was seeing the dynamics of practice.  Not necessarily practice but just actually playing basketball.  The language of basketball is universal and even though it may be hard to translate some of the x's and o's for the most part it is the best way to communicate with some of my teammates who dont speak english.  

At the meeting with my coach (see part 1) we went over some of the things in the handbook and he noted that we would be putting in a few of our sets to get us ready for competition.  I think a few in Bulgaria means and astronomical amount that takes a full college degree to comprehend.  He meant business when we put in our plays.  The plays we have are very good...diverse and when broken down...quite simple for us to understand.  But there are alot.  We learn a few each day and still have to remember the other ones.  Its tough for me because he explains it mostly in Bulgarian and then in english for me.  Its hard though because I cant ask my teammates questions or find out where to go.  One time our point guard called a play.

Me: Hold on, hold on which one is this now?
PG: ...
Me:  Like where do I go?
PG: ...
Me: Do i screen?
PG: ...

...I'm having fun.

My coach then comes up and says to me, "If you say good morning he will understand....but thats about it."  Welp so much for that PG big man relationship.  Maybe ill take up being a mime...thats universal i would assume.  

I was really frustrated after one practice because of all the plays and said to myself...what am i supposed to do its not like I have the free time to lear...then it dawned on me....yes you do.
I mean what else do i do all day?? Blog?? (I mean hey thinking of new material to appease the masses is work but come on)  I have all the time in the world!!  I start to study the plays and break them down.  I write what each big does for each play and start the memorization.  It works.  Its amazing what a little studying does to help you (why do i feel like I am saying this 4 years too late..ehh cant think of when it wouldve been necessary)

Like anything new...the more you look at it the less overwhelming it soons begins to make sense and stick in my slowly on my way.

One great thing about practice is that we stretch alot during practice.  This is great for the good ole knees and really helps get loose enough to run up and down the floor.  So far we have not played against each other yet but are getting used to the plays and where to be.  This journey should be a lot of fun.

Home basket
Away Basket
This is the Rilski Sportist gym.  The nicest in Bulgaria.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Basketball Series Part 2: I'm in Europe, let's talk about style.

This is the second installment of The Basketball Series. Here we are talking about style.

How many of you love style? Or at least know what it is?  Or have your own style?  How many of you love fashion?  How many of you have a passion for fashion (wow that sounds even worse if you read it out loud) well if you are in any of those categories especially if you love European styles...

note the heelless design. i gotta get me a pair of bball shoes like this

This blog will greatly disappoint you...

I'm here to talk about basketball remember?

note the mouth...not a good look

Moving on..

The style I wanna talk about is the style of play that our Coach and Rilski Sportist has and will employ in the coming season.  During the meeting coach and I go over some of the things we will be running.  Now I dont know who is looking at this blog (kind of a creepy thought if you think about it, i was gonna make a joke about it could be someone halfway across the world...but..thats true...which doesnt make that joke funny...WANTED: new material)  so i am not gonna put specifics in but we look at some of the initial play sets we are going to learn.  There are quite a few but we will go into that tomorrow (gotta love cliffhangers).

Coach also warns me, "You have to be patient" he says, "the game is very different from college and it will take some getting used to."  He talks about a previous player who struggled at first and after the first few games was considered somewhat of a bust (gotta love the patience some people have) and coach was taking alot of heat...then he got used to the game and really blossomed...and now is making duckets (for those with lighter skin color duckets means money) for another team.  Coach is proud of that because he helped him get to be the great player he is today.  He wants to do the same with me.  Basically what I heard was..."Adam, we are going to work hard...then you will make more money"...hmmm lemme think about that one awhile and get back to you.

After looking at some of the other sets and different things in our playbook he gives me some game film to go home and note the differences between college and pro (didnt I leave the last of the hw in Janna's class??)  When I watch it is clear that there are very key differences that must be taken into account.

1.) The game overall is MUCH MUCH faster.  We played fast in college...but also had a 35 second the shot clock is 24 me 11 seconds is ALOT of time (i will pass on making any joke about 11 seconds being alot of time...although i feel like by saying that I have? sorry cant please everyone...)

2.) the lane is for guards that may not be a big deal...but for a man who has made his money (well scholarship) off jump hooks on the block...well this will take some getting used to.

3.) Defensive spacing is much more spread.  Since the lane is wider people are further out...this gives more open space to drive and makes helping that much more important.  Whoo hoo for defnsive shell drill this season

All in all watching the game tape has made me thankful for being able to play under Coach Matheny (or Coach Mahony as it is pronounced over here for some reason...gotta love accents) for a year.  The fast break and motion offense we ran has definitely prepared me for what I am about to embark on this year.  This should be exciting the more and more we learn.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Basketball Series Part 1: That Sucks, Pay Me.

This 3 part series is intended to shed some light on the game I love to those miles away.  Some of the concepts are familiar just slightly altered to tailor this team's system.  Other aspects are completely new to me. 

This is Part One: That Sucks. Pay me.

Coach: "I want you to meet me for coffee.  Now we talk about basketball."
Now thats what I'm talkin about.
This was said immediately after one of our hellish Running of the Mountains.  When he told me that I was so ecstatic, nervous, and filled with anticipation I didn't even care that I don't drink coffee.  This is why I was brought here.  This is the reason why I endure this mountain, these multi-mile runs and sleepless stressful nights.  
A simple game to some.  
An entertaining spectacle for others.
A job, an art form, and a passion for me.
  He asked me to bring the playbook and the Disciplinary Rules to the meeting.  I triple check my stuff before I leave to make sure I have everything.
I do.
I check again.
I arrive at the coffee shop and wait for coach to arrive only to further ponder what our meeting might hold.  This is my first one on one basketball meeting as a pro.  You may be thinking that i'm making this out to be a little bit bigger than it really is.  Maybe you're right.  Or maybe this is my blog and i can make it however I want. (Did I just get defensive with an imaginary critic?)
Now this entry will focus on one part of the meeting, and it is the part that is newest to me.  Because up until this point it has been about the pure love of the game.  No rewards except for the reward of winning (which don't get me wrong can feel prettyyyy sweet at times.)  This part though is the first part that separates amatuer atheletics from the pros.
The business side. 
 I look over the two page front and back sheet of paper that has all the rules.  Now all of these rules are familiar to me because the are very similar to ones we had in college, if you break a rule for example in the weight room, you will have to do extra drills, or whatever the strength coach sees fit.  Let's say you are late for class or skip class all together (never on purpose I always had a legitimate i was tired, or I didnt wanna go.  Of course if any of my teachers are reading this I NEVER did this with YOUR class :)..i think) and coach finds out you run.  Let's say you have the audacity to talk back in practice.  you and probably your whole team runs.  If you wake up and see that you are late for a meeting or practice (which is the worst feeling in the world...worse than breaking up with a girlfriend, failing a test, and losing a big toe...combined) then you will be running for a long time...and making up whatever you missed in practice.
In the professional system there is only one penatly that they have if you do something wrong.  As I listened to Coach talk about the different rules and the repercussions (yeah. i took the SATs, i know big words), it reminded of one of my favorite parts of the movie Goodfellas where one of the smaller mob guys partners with one of the bosses to help bring in money.  It didn't matter how much or how little the mob guy earned he owed the same amount to the boss without question. This is how the pro system works. However the way i will type it is a much more watered down version of what was actually said in the movie due to the language (what a family friendly blog this is.  Either way here is basically what happens when rules are broken.  
Gonna be late for practice?
Coach: That sucks, pay me.

Decide that you dont wanna practice?
Coach: That sucks, pay me.

Decide to stay out a little later past curfew?
Coach: That sucks, pay me.

Wanna argue and cause a scene with the coach?
Coach: That sucks, pay me.

Wanna drink excessively or use other types of substances?
Coach: That sucks, pay me.

Basically being a pro means making money, and in some cases alot of money (now that alot of money does not apply to me as of yet...which makes the penalties even more important to me...although sometimes i even wonder if there is enough money to get through a mountain guess is no...but i digress) and with money comes egos whether the are deserved or not...alot of cases big time players are making more than the coach.  So how do you control these large egotistical athletes?  Hit 'em where it hurts.  Their wallets.  Taking away money is a pretty good deterrent for doing anything stupid.  No longer does the college excuse of "I dont care if I have to run tomorrow I'm still doin out tonight" seem to carry much bravado. (Never did to me in the first place but hey you'd be surprised what is cool in certain locker room settings).  So if you wanna run up a mountain and do something stupid to get your money taken away more power to ya, but unlike Gerard Butler (movie reference incoming) ill be a Law Abiding Citizen thank you.

Friday, August 20, 2010

All While Having to Pee

When I dream of Professional Basketball I think of dropping 20 and 10, thousands going crazy after one of my signature dunk and yells, shoe endorsments, and celebrity appearances with Will Smith and Halle Berry.  I think of interviews with Larry King and SportsCenter anchors chasing you down after a game to get your out of breath comments.  I think of the fame and the money that comes with all the popularity.

This blog entry is about none of those things.

Sure the Lebrons, Kobes, and other high profile guys of the illustrious NBA live this lifestyle daily, but for the vast majority of the professional basketball world there is a day to day grind that is called preseason.  This may be anything from shooting practices once a day to having 2 practices a day.  There are some teams that even take you out to the mountains and run you to death.  

Jamie: "To get on one of those teams is really rare tho,"
Adam: "Yeah that would be miserable.  Whoever gets on one of those teams it sucks for them!"

Sometimes I really do believe Karma is real...

The first day we had conditioning we ran in the woods. We drove up a mountain to get to there and headed to granny's house (get it? over the river and through th...ok whatever if you dont get it nevermind).  The running was tough but I stayed with my teammates in the middle of the pack through the three days that we ran this course and was quite proud of the shape that I had gotten myself into before I got here.  My one point of concern was when we had to give urine samples.  As I was donating to the cause in a styrofoam cup I zoned off thinking about who knows what.  When I came to I looked down and wondered why I was holding a cup of apple juice.  

I really need to drink more water.   

Although my knees would hurt pretty bad that does not come as a surprise to anyone who knows me and it was nothing a little ice couldn't handle.  You are going to be fine Adam Constantine.  

Then he came.

When I heard we had a conditioning coach I figured ok its a guy that will put us through the same type of running that we have been doing.  Maybe one day I will learn that I don't know everything and there will still be things that I don't understand.  I meet our conditioning coach today for the first time.  He is probably about 5'4 with a stocky build, and he always wears a hat and sunglasses but you can feel the intensity of his gaze as he stares up at your face.  

This is my new master.  

Before we start running he looks at me and says, "По сум сторил со вас ви се случува да ме сакаш повеќе од било кој тренер пред мене." Which my coach laughingly translated to me, "After I am done with you you are going to love me more than any coach before me."

I should have quit right there.  

We park our cars on the edge of a downward slope of a mountain.  I look at the slope and its pretty steep but it honestly doesn't look that bad.  My teammate looks at me and says. "We will walk to the running hill now."  I am confused because this is the only hill I see but I fall in line behind him...10 minutes later we arrive at the foot of this in THIS IS NOT A HILL, I AM MENTALLY PREPARED FOR A HILL, AND YOU HAVE BROUGHT ME TO THE SUMMIT OF MT BULGARIA.  I then ask the question, 

"Wait we are running up THIS mountain?"  

Everyone Laughs.

Even as I type this I don't understand what is so funny.

"This is not mountain, those are mountains there."  I look to where he points.  No...those are BIGGER mountains.  I look for any conceivable way of escape but there is none in sight.  I hear the inevitable whistle that cranks up the fear and dread in my brain another notch and we begin the  long trek up to the peak.

Ok, now I want everyone to close your eyes...wait actually that wont work because you're reading this but just imagine this if you will. Imagine you are dreaming.  And in that dream you are running straight up.  But as you look around you realize you are not moving.  You are staying in the same spot.  You try to push harder but your body doesn't respond. Sweat is pouring down your body and you want quit, cry, hurl yourself down the side, and get struck by lightning at the same time.  But you can't.  You have to keep running...up...

All while having to pee.

I literally contemplated for 15 minutes whether I should just lose all dignity and be just another one of God's creatures doin' what they do.  

I pull myself together and continue running...up the mountain...then down...then up...then down...four times...four long, mind numbing, tear jerking, leg searing times that seem endless.  For those optimists out there who are thinking, "But I'm sure it was a beautiful view!!!" Well you are right and before we started running they told me that from the top it is beautiful you can see the whole city from the peak.  It is really breath taking they told me.  Well when I got there my breath was certainly taken away but that was because of Mr Macedonia who knows less english than I know Bulgarian...and I have been here four days.  Although when I got up to the top and look at the whole town a with vast plains, evergreen forests, sparkling lakes, and winding rivers you know what I thought?

Screw this view.

And ran back down.

More like granny hobbled down as I let gravity take me and only slowed enough not to crash into one of my teammates in front of me (anyone who thought I was in the lead may discontinue our friendship now).  I looked like a water buffalo that was born with three legs, but one of this front good legs just broke, and he is running away from a hunter who just shot him with a bow and arrow...actually after picturing that I think I was still slightly worse...

Now calm down optimists, environmentalists, and tree huggers, eventually I will take my camera up there and truly appreciate what I saw and how amazing it is to be around so much natural....nature.  But that time is not now.  Some would have counted 7 lakes that can be seen from the top.  I counted 8 spiders that were on my body.  I thought I played an indoor sport for a reason??

Although through all this I do have a sick pleasure of doing this to myself.  When the dust settles, the bugs brushed off, and my legs heal, there is one thing I know.  Even though there is all this pain, fatigue, and inexplicable feeling to always give more, there is one thing that pushes me through, that gives me the will to keep going.  That is stronger that Mr Macedonia or anything else I have encountered in my 22 years of life.  This is my story.  This has been my dream.  This is my pursuit.  And I won't stop until I succeed.

Monday, August 16, 2010

You're not in Kansas anymore

What you are about to read will be will capture everything from my departure to me typing this as we speak. It has been quite a roller coaster ride. So buckle up...put your hands in the we go.

Wow what a day...and it wasnt even a full 24 hours for me.  I lost half a day of my life.  But anyways for those who are just reading this to see if I made it safely and then will leave my blog well i made it safe and i guess thats goodbye for you guys...(waiting...) ok it isn't just that I got here it's the how I got here that was quite interesting.  Why dont we start in raleigh..

Raleigh was tough because i was leaving everyone I have ever known.  Conner, Maxwell, Glenda, Kayla, David, Mom and Dad all came with me to see me off.  It was tough leaving them but its that kind of love and support that will get me through these ten months.  Ok so I get on the plane and its a 20 minutes jump to charlotte. Smooth.  I get off the plane and head to the next terminal where I will depart to Rome.  I stand in line for food and head to the gate. I grab my backpack my food and grab my other i didnt....yep sure did...i left my other bag on the last plane....the last thing i remember before panic mode is that I have two choices.  I can casually walk back to the gate where the plane has most likely left...or I can sprint and risk being tackled by some over zealous airport cop who thinks im in the guinness world record for the tallest terrorist ever.

I sprint.

For about 3/4 of a mile to the last gate.  When I arrive I ask as calmly as I can (with sweat pouring down my body) if the plane is still there.  The good news is that the plane is.  The bad news is that my bag isnt on it.  Sweet Adam I hope someone is enjoying your brand new digital camera...and the money inside it...and your knee braces.  As I walk away dejected that I have lot something 20 minutes into my trip I see a flight attendant that was on our flight.  I ask her if she saw the bag. She said yes but one of the special assistance passengers said it was his and took it...WHAT?? what is he gonna do with two xbox controllers a tie and some cough drops?? They say i have to go to the next terminal...sweet at least ill be in shape.  I sprint over there right just in time to se a lady is about to drive off with my bag...really?? A chase scene in real life?  Yeah it happened.  Im pretty sure you're not supposed to sprint after airport personell...but i did.  And i caught the bloomin cart and took my bag...and then ran back to the gate.  Safe.  I send my last text messages and head on the nine hour flight to Rome.  Once on the plane I watch several forgettable movies Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif (1.5/4 stars) Shrek Forever After (1 Star) and half of NCIS Los Angeles, eat what they tell me is food but i think the shipping company gave them prison food for dogs instead,  The portions were SO small.  Fortunately I have a switch in my neck called charm.  When the flight attendant came by i flipped it on.  I suddenly had another portion of the prison food. After all that I sleep for an hour or so.  Then concluded the fastest night of my life.  It started getting light when my watch read midnight!!!  It was amazing.  I have never been to Europe so I was excited to see land.

You know that person on the plane that is a total tool and is obviously a tourist and scrunches up to the window and takes all these pictures out of the window?


I mean hey give me a break I have never even seen Europe!!!  So as we are descending I get to see small islands off of the coasts of Italy and all these vast farmlands with hundreds of sprinklers going on and as we pass over them the way the sun hits them causes a shimmer of a rainbow.  I mean ok God thanks for showing me what heaven will be like a little early.  This is all so amazing.
As we are approaching the airport reality sets in..and fast.  I realize that I only have boarding passes up to Rome....and my flight to Bulgaria leaves an hour after I land.  I pray that there is a sign or SOMETHING that will show me the way to go.  I step off the plane.  And I see a woman...with a sign that says...

Mr Constantine

WHAAAAAAAAAAAT????  Yes. I tell her thats me and she says "We have little time.  You walk very fast no?"  I'll walk as fast you want me to my sweet little Italian savior (I say little because she was about 5 feet tall).  Now I'm a fast walker but DANG this woman can move!!!  God thing I ran three miles in charlotte (see panic state above) and I could keep up with her.  Not gonna lie I feel like a rockstar.  There are 3 long lines that we have to stand in...or so I thought.  She walked me straight to the front of everyone.  Like i was somebody.  And people thought I was!!! People would stop there conversations and stare...(well i was also the only black person in the country I believe) one person even took a picture...didnt ask just walked up took one and walked away...umm...YES.  So I make my flight thanks to my Italian speedster and take a bus to my next plane.  Looks small...I board and the flight attendant looks at me and says sir would you be more comfortable in FIRST CLASS?  I told him to give me ten minutes to think....that is false i said why yes sir it certainly would.
Now I understand why people wanna be rich.  It was a short flight and i got food!! and orange juice and apple juice and a pillow and a blanket..just cuz i could.  So I obviously coudlnt take pictures there because im not some commoner in coach. Im in first class. im rich. (kidding kidding)  After we land my rockstar status soon comes to an end.  I wait by the baggage claim to get my baggage.  And I wait.  and i wait. and i wait....please no....i wait some more...i knew it was too luggage is gone.  Nowhere to be found in Sofia.  So I report it to Lost and Found.  Here is how that conversation went.

Me: Hi my luggage didnt come in today
Her: Ok lets fill out some paperwork
Me: Ok
Her:  What is your address here?
Me: Uhh....
Her: Ok well what is the phone number?
Me: Umm...
Her: Ok well who is picking me up?
Me: Errr...

Needless to say this conversation didnt go well.  Fortunately my assistant coach was there to pick me up and filled out all the information.  We we head to the place where I will reside for the next ten months.  We get there I settle in and have dinner with my team and my coach for the first time.  It is weird being the quiet guy.  It is only by force because I have no idea what anyone is saying.  It is frustrating, interesting, bewildering, and enlightening all at the same time.  My teammates are all really nice tho all helping me out anyway they can.
That night was rough for me.  I went to bed at 11:30 and woke up at 4.
With no food.
And no computer.
Bored. To. Death.

From 4am to 8am i was wide awake.  From turning on Bulgarian TV to walking outside at 6am to reading a book i occupied my time until I finally fell asleep again.  

I woke back up again at 11 to go get a physical and had lunch with the team.  I set up a bank account that I'm not sure has an money in it yet so I hope that happens soon.  I also went grocery shopping.  Imagine seeing all this food that you dont recognize and cant read.  Yep.  thats me.  I was fortunate to find bread, jelly, a 3 gallon thing of water, and chips.  at least i wont starve tonight.
Then came the Main Event.  Practice.  They said it would be open to the fans and that media can come too. Yeah sure thatll happen.  I walk into a gym of about 400 and shut m mouth real quick.  There were some elon games we didnt have that many!!!  Nice.  So practice starts.  Its not bad but i learned one thing.  ONe amazingly wonderful great thing.



So I now love them.  It was enjoyable enough and not that tough but since we are in the mountains i was sucking wind at one point.  But I am in pretty decent shape.  One thing I did take from the practice though. I am not here to be a role player.  We will discuss more of that tomorrow.  Well I probably should go to bed now, because we have to run in the woods tomorrow.  Yes Monty I asked the stupid question of "Coach you mean the woods woods?"
The laughed.
That sucks.
Especially since I have been wearing the same clothes for a few days. 
Sidenote: I do wash them every night in the shower and leave them out to dry.

Ah yes about my jersey apparently our names are on the back of our jerseys.  I was really hoping i would be able to talk to the coach about the number i wanted but i already got my it is...