Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well it is now officially a new year..2011...we now have less than two years till the end of the world!!!

Ok that's a horrible way to start my first blog in 4 months...lets move on...

There are many things that I have done since my absence from cyberspace.  I reacquainted myself with American food (I liked the scales better when they were in least i could pretend not to know what it was), watched my Elon Phoenix play for the first time from the sidelines (well freshman year was from the sidelines too...but lets not get nasty), I traveled from Greensboro to to DC to New York, and I grew a beard (for pictures go to google and type in 'homeless grizzly bear').

It has been an enjoyable time for me to be around my family and friends during one of my harder times of my career, and while I have enjoyed the wonderful food and everything else this place has to offer, I still wistfully waited for the day when I could get back out on the court for a team.  I would watch as my Elon bigs would battle for rebounds, race down the court, get great position in the post (no comment on if they RECIEVED any passes) and pray that our Athletic Director would come up to me and say, "Hey Adam, you know you have another year of eligibility left..heres your jersey."

However I knew I had to bide my patient and understand that my time would come again.  So everyday I made sure I did something to improve my game, whether it was getting u shots, lifting weights, or getting treatment, I stayed busy with the quieter part of the game of basketball.

Now many of you know or have figured it out that I have signed with a team and are anxiously (or apathetically) waiting for me to just spill it already.  Well ESPN and my agent couldnt iron out the details of what was going to be the smash program of "THE DECISION: What time is it? CONSTANTINE!" (they said something about it being a failed experiment they tried before?  Not sure what they mean...)So I guess my blogspace will have to do.

I have decided to take my talents to South Beach...where my connecting flight will take me to Sweden to play for the Solna Vikings. (By the way LeBron...if you ever read bad dude i just wanted to get a few on your side I PROMISE)

The Vikings are located in Solna, Sweden and are in the top Swedish Basketball league.  Currently sitting in 6th place in a tightly contested league I am being brought in at a crucial time of the season.  This is a great scenario for a number of reasons.

1.)  The Coach AND all the players speak english!!!
-Never will I think getting cussed out in english the worst thing ever....getting cussed out when you dont know you are getting cussed out is much worse.


2.)  2 > 1
-This team has another american on the team.  Maybe I'll have a hustlin' partner in crime who knows? (see 'Proud to be an American)

They're so happy and...American..

3.) For those wondering about the season it is in full swing, so I will jump right in and play....this means one




Glad I can leave all my climbing gear at home

I really dont care how funny that story was...ill take not running it over running it and YOU laughing about it.....just practices and games....glorious. (for the story see: All while having to pee)

So with sums up most of my 2010 and throws us right into 2011.  A new team, in a new country.

One final note, I cant tell you how much it has meant to hear you guys tell me you are reading this and how it makes you laugh till you cry or cry till you laugh...thank you.  If it ever get lame let me know (not saying anything will change cuz its MY blog...dang).  Either way I'm glad I shook the cobwebs off of this, the next blog will be from Solna, Sweden!

Until then...

"This is my story.  This has been my dream.  This is my pursuit.  And I won't stop until I succeed."


  1. wait... you're playing quidditch now?


    Can't wait to hear more big guy! Tis a new year! Cheers!

  2. Adam:

    You're the man! Keep the dream alive. Loved reading the blog, and keep in touch with your old professors. We're wishing the best for you and will keep looking for Solna Viking games on ESPN...

    Kenn Gaither

  3. Welcome to Sweden and Solna Vikings!

  4. You complete my life, Adam Constantine. I'm so happy for you. And thanks for making me happy with your awesome blog posts.

  5. Welcome to Solna Adam!

    I'm looking forward to see you play tomorrow.
